MRTG Server performace

每次看到 每5分鐘執行 mrtg 的時候, 以root身份去執行它,會使系統瞬間負載增加 就算在好的電腦,我發現在mrtg畫圖的瞬間,還是會使系統負擔,要如何避免這樣呢

The RunAsDaemon keyword enables daemon mode operation. The purpose of daemon mode is that MRTG is launched once and not repeatedly (as it is with cron). This behavior saves computing resourses as loading and parsing of configuration files happens only once. Using daemon mode MRTG itself is responible for timing the measurement intervals. Therfore its important to set the Interval keyword to an apropiate value. 那就是在 cfg檔案裏面增加

然後crontab 裏面就不需要寫入 每隔5分鐘執行一次了,然後把它寫入 /etc/rc.local 開機自動執行
# automatic mrtg
env LANG=C /usr/bin/mrtg /etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg.local
製作 mrtg 的 index.htm檔
indexmaker --bodyopt="bgcolor=#87CEFA link=#0000FF alink=#FF0000 vlink=#8B008B text=#000000 bgproperties=fixed"    \   --addhead='

'  \
--width=500 \
 --height=135  \
-title="NAS Server - 網路流量分析"  \
-output="/var/www/html/mrtg/index.htm"  \