今天在 Sayya BBS 看到 JoeHorn 的個人版,裡面寫到 “[筆記] remote upgrade FreeBSD 6.2 -> 7.0” 這一篇文章,裡面寫的作法,我自己實做到我自己的機器,就成功了,作法如下 首先修改 /usr/share/examples/cvsup/stable-supfile,找到
# Defaults that apply to all the collections # # IMPORTANT: Change the next line to use one of the CVSup mirror sites # listed at http://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/mirrors.html. *default host=CHANGE_THIS.FreeBSD.org *default base=/var/db *default prefix=/usr # The following line is for 7-stable. If you want 6-stable, 5-stable, # 4-stable, 3-stable, or 2.2-stable, change to "RELENG_6", "RELENG_5", # "RELENG_4", "RELENG_3", or "RELENG_2_2" respectively. *default release=cvs tag=RELENG_6 *default delete use-rel-suffix
在 /usr/share/examples/cvsup/ 裡面的檔案,說明如下
cvs-supfile //更新Main source tree and ports collection doc-supfile //更新Document gnats-supfile //更新FreeBSD bug database ports-supfile //更新Ports collection stable-supfile //更新Main source tree standard-supfile //更新Main source tree www-supfile //更新FreeBSD 官方網頁 To maintain the sources for the FreeBSD-current release, use: standard-supfile Main source tree ports-supfile Ports collection To maintain the sources for the FreeBSD-stable release, use: stable-supfile Main source tree To maintain a copy of the CVS repository containing all versions of FreeBSD, use: cvs-supfile Main source tree and ports collection To maintain a copy of the FreeBSD bug database, use the file: gnats-supfile FreeBSD bug database 改掉
# The following line is for 7-stable. If you want 6-stable, 5-stable, # 4-stable, 3-stable, or 2.2-stable, change to “RELENG_6”, “RELENG_5”, # “RELENG_4”, “RELENG_3”, or “RELENG_2_2” respectively. *default release=cvs tag=RELENG_6 改成
*default release=cvs tag=RELENG_7_0 然後修改 /etc/make.conf
PORTSSUPFILE= /usr/local/etc/ports-supfile SUPHOST= freebsd.csie.nctu.edu.tw SUP_UPDATE= yes SUP= /usr/local/bin/cvsup SUPFLAGS= -g -L 2 NO_KERBEROS=true # End portconf settings KERNCONF=GENERIC SUPFILE=/usr/share/examples/cvsup/stable-supfile底下我大概按照了 JoeHorn 的作法,如下
- 改 /usr/share/examples/cvsup/stable-supfile ,用 RELENG_7_0 。 2. cd /usr/src && make update 3. make buildworld 4. make kernel 如果把 IPv6 相關的東西拿掉的話,要把 SCTP 拿掉。 5. make installworld 6. mergemaster -i 正常來說,有這幾個要砍: *\* The following files exist in /etc/rc.d but not in /var/tmp/temproot/etc/rc.d/: ike nfslocking pccard pcvt ramdisk ramdisk-own usbd 搞定後注意一下 ifconfig ,如果機器用 nve 的網卡。 記得在 /etc/rc.conf 改成 nfe ,不然 reboot 之後就得跑 console 了~ XD *** reboot ** 7. cd /usr/ports && rm INDEX-6* && make fetchindex && portsdb -u 8. cd /var/db/pkg && rm pkgdb.db && pkgdb -F 9. portupgrade -af 10. cd /usr/src && make BATCH_DELETE_OLD_FILES=YES delete-old delete-old-libs *\* reboot ** 在 make 之前,要先系統對時,為了避免因為系統時間不準而造成執行 make 時失敗,我們先以 ntpdate 進行網路對時 #ntpdate -s watch.stdtime.gov.tw 完成升級之後,打 uname -a 會看到
FreeBSD freebsd.ee.ccu.edu.tw 7.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE 完成後,重開機之後,只要打指令就會出現下面問題
/libexec/ld-elf.so.1: Shared object “libssl.so.4” not found 解決方法就是:
cd /usr/ports/misc/compat6x; make install clean;reference:
http://www.bsdforums.org/forums/showthread.php?threadid=57098 http://www.weithenn.idv.tw/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?search=stable-supfile-%e5%88%a9%e7%94%a8CVSUP%e6%9b%b4%e6%96%b0Security%2bPatch http://www.freebsd.org/doc/zh_TW/books/handbook/makeworld.html http://blog.pixnet.net/Izero/post/13269894
See also
- OpenSSH 安全性漏洞 CVE-2016-0777 and CVE-2016-0778
- 安裝 XCache 加速 PHP 執行速度
- 好用 PHP debug extension Xdebug on FreeBSD 安裝
- [FreeBSD] 利用 fsck 指令修復不正常斷電關機
- ProFTPD UseEncoding 繁體中文亂碼解決 Localization
- [FreeBSD] update apache -> 2.2.15, PHP -> 5.3.2, and MySQL downgrade to 5.1.9
- Apache 取得透過 Reverse Proxy (Varnish) 的 Client 真正 IP (mod_rpaf)
- [Vim] 想套用 *.php syntax 顏色於 *.ros
- [FreeBSD] DenyHosts 設定在 hosts.allow 注意事項
- [FreeBSD] Fanout and Fanterm Tool to run commands on multiple machines