[FreeBSD] 安裝 sshit 設定教學

系統:FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE 安裝方式: cd /usr/ports/security/sshit/ make install clean 設定檔 /usr/local/etc/sshit.conf # Sample configuration file of sshit.pl # We use pf as firewall on default 看你喜歡用什麼防火牆,我熟悉ipfw FIREWALL_TYPE = ipfw # Number of failed login attempts within time before we block MAX_COUNT = 3 # Time in seconds in which all failed login attempts must occur WITHIN_TIME = 60 # Time in seconds to block ip in firewall 失敗後禁止登入幾秒鐘 RESET_IP = 300 IPFW_CMD = /sbin/ipfw # Make sure you don’t have any important rules here already IPFW_RULE_START = 2100 IPFW_RULE_END = 3100 IPFW2_CMD = /sbin/ipfw IPFW2_TABLE_NO = 0 PFCTL_CMD = /sbin/pfctl PF_TABLE = badhosts vi /etc/syslog. [Read More]